Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thousands stage rally vs reproductive health bill

In a move against what they brand as anti-family bills, thousands from different religious groups and schools yesterday staged a prayer rally at the Santo Niño Parish Pilgrim Center.

The protesters expressed opposition to the Reproductive Health Act of 2007, which allows the legalization of abortion and the teaching of sex education from Grade 5 pupils and above.

They also protested the divorce and gay marriage law, which allows same sex marriage, believing that it is immoral and against the law of God.

The protesters also called for the “preservation of rights and sanctity of the natural family, and the sacredness of life and divine laws.”

Rene Bullecer, director of Human Life International Pilipinas, explained that the rally was held to tell the government that the Church will not allow the approval of these bills.

He said these bills contest the teachings and the principles of the Church.

The protesters also called on the 34 representatives to stop supporting the Reproductive Health Act, which creates a reproductive health and population management council for the implementation of an integrated policy on reproductive health relative to sustainable human development and population management and for other purposes.

The Church believes that the act will provide a venue for abortion to be resorted to by desperate people.

In his message, Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal tackled the Humanae Vitae issued by Pope Paul VI 40 years ago that discourages the use of all forms of traditional contraception.

Vidal said people failed to see the gist of Humanae Vitae which teaches a lesson on conjugal love because most of them merely see it as prohibiting contraception.

The situations described in Humanae Vitae about broken relationships and immorality are what happening today, according to the cardinal.

Vidal said the people might have recognized the consequences but rejected the prescription that caused the sufferings today.

“Contraception devalues conjugal love, even endangers it, thus it cannot be a licit means to responsible parenthood,” Vidal said. — Jessica Ann Pareja/LPM

Source: Philippine Star, July 13, 2008


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